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Services performed on all types of Medical, Physical Therapy, and Rehabilitation Equipment. We can repair/refurbish a wide range of equipment depending if parts are relatively available. Service Rates per hour are $135.00 plus a small travel time charge should units need to be picked up. Customers are also welcomed to bring their units for any service repairs/refurbishment needed. Repairs/Refurbishing consist of part replacement, upholstery work, standard testing and much more. We also repair Medical Stretchers and Patient beds. Our team can work diligently to assist you with your non-working equipment. Older units may meet a end of life and we may not be able to repair. Disposal of units is at our discretion and there may be a charge.

Safety Inspections consist of checking performance and grounding on site of all equipment used to treat patients, visually checking that all equipment meet FDA guidelines standards. This gives the staff an advisement of preventative maintenance that can be done to extend life and avoid any functional issues.