Pivotal TradeBasic Bench
This is a special-order item. Table can be ordered depending on your desired needs. Additional drops and accessories are not included in base price. Colors vary.
Freight is required for shipping. Manufactured by Pivotal Health Solutions. Please allow 6–8-week lead time. Prepaid to order.
The TradeBasic Bench is engineered for excellence and designed as an affordable choice for a growing practice or as a starter table. Standard features include a tilt headpiece with adjustable face cushions and a pelvic drop. Quality options include a lumbar and thoracic drop and a tilt headpiece with cervical drop.
Standard Features:
- Load Capacity: 350 lbs.
- 27″W x 74″L x 18-24″H
- Height range: 18-24”H
- Tilt headpiece with adjustable face cushions
- Firm foam
- Pelvic drop
- Unitized steel frame
- 22”W Comfort cushions
- Paper roll holder and cutter
- Ships fully assembled
Table Options
Headpiece Options:
- EB89192 – Tilt Headpiece with Cervical Drop
Drop Options:
- EB89190 – Lumbar Drop
- EB89191 – Thoracic Drop
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